Wednesday 29th April 2020:
Army representative sporting activity, including OSVs, continues to be suspended until the end of June 2020. This is currently been reviewed by the LOC in consultation with the MOD within the context of the COVID-19 outbreak, further direction is expected in the coming days. There have been a few recent instances where organisers have committed funds prior to receiving authorisation from ASCB to conduct their OSV. In the current COVID-19 environment, where discretional overseas travel (which includes OSVs) is currently suspended.
OSV organisers are advised not to commit any funding to tour operators or travel companies/airlines etc. prior to receiving authority from ASCB and also the ASL have advised on any potential ASL grant. See 2019DIN 10-001 (Army OSV and OTC) and 2019DIN10-015 (Army Sport Lottery) on the Publications section of the ASCB website. Organisers who commit funds against an OSV prior to receiving authorisation from ASCB do so at their own risk. If you have any queries on the Authorisation of OSVs please email Suzi Duncan. If the query is about funding then the ASL contact is Fiona Greenhill.